Tap & Draw Shuffleboard Rules

What is the Tap & Draw Shuffleboard Game?
Tap & Draw shuffleboard is played and scored in a similar way to other shuffleboard games, with a few differences. Players who get to slide the first puck have the advantage, and you can move your own weight farther along the board by tapping it with another one of your weights.
How to Play Tap & Draw Shuffleboard Game?
The object of the Tap & Draw shuffleboard game is to slide your pucks to reach the farthest scoring area on the board without knocking any pucks off the table. Unlike in other games, in this one, the player who has the first puck has the advantage. The game is played until both players or teams have taken their final turn. This is true even if the one who is shooting first already scored 51 points or higher. If both teams or players score more than 51 points, the highest score wins.
How to Throw Shuffleboard Pucks Playing Tap & Draw Game
A completed round of play consists of all 8 pucks being thrown, alternating between players. You may attempt to tap your own previous puck to send it farther up the table. However, if you knock one of your pucks off, it is then out of play. If you knock off your opponent's puck, yours is removed and the opponent's is replaced in its previous position. If the opponent's puck is knocked off the board, at the same time advancing 1 or more of your pucks into a higher scoring area, all the pucks are returned to their initial positions and your shooting puck is removed from play. If you tap an opponent's puck and advance it on the table to a higher scoring area, it remains in that position.
How to Score a Tap & Draw Shuffleboard Game
A game of Tap & Draw can be played like a traditional game of Knock Off and scored to 15 points, or like a game of Horse Collar, scoring to 51 points. If the game is played like Knock Off, scores are counted the same. A puck is awarded 1 point if it falls between the foul line and the "2" line. It scores either 2 or 3 points if it is completely across the "2" or "3" lines. If you have a hanger, it scores 4 points. For Horse Collar-style games, there is no scoring unless at least 1 puck is in the 3-point, 13-point or 26-point zone. Once those first points are scored, the rules for traditional shuffleboard apply. The only difference is that there are more points given for hangers on the board's far end (13 points) and for hangers on the left and right-hand corners (26 points).